0418 749 228
Ivanhoe Library and Cultural Hub (ILCH)
275 Upper Heidelberg Rd
Ivanhoe Victoria 3079
Course enrolments for 2025 are now open. You can view the SEMESTER 1 (Term 1 & 2), 2025, Program of classes on MyU3A, click HERE.
Login to MyU3A with your Member ID and password, using the Member Login button at the top right of the screen. Remember that you must have renewed your membership for 2025 before you can enrol.
Please note: We cannot guarantee that you will immediately secure a place in your preferred course. All courses have an enrolment limit, some courses are very popular and will maintain a waiting list of members wishing to enrol in it. Places are offered to those on the list when vacancies arise. Courses that have places available are marked as ‘Open’ in MyU3A and courses which are currently full are marked ‘Waitlist’.
Updates on courses and the Enrol and Pay Events are included in regular emails sent out to members and we encourage you to keep your email address in MyU3A up to date for this purpose.
1. Online Course Enrolment Using MyU3A (the most efficient method)
Please note these Enrol and Pay events are not open for enrolment until approximately 2-6 weeks before the event. Details in the MyU3A course description will state when enrolments for the event will open and when they will close. For assistance, please contact us by email or phone the U3A Banyule Office (Mon-Fri, 10am-12pm) on 0418 749 228. |
2. Course Enrolment Through the U3A Banyule Office