0418 749 228
Ivanhoe Library and Cultural Hub (ILCH)
275 Upper Heidelberg Rd
Ivanhoe Victoria 3079
Notice is hereby given that the Thirty-eighth Annual General Meeting of U3A Banyule Inc will be held on Tuesday 21 May, 2024, 4.00 – 5.00 pm. Due to the size limitation of our meeting rooms U3A Banyule members will participate in the AGM via a Zoom webinar.
All those wishing to attend the AGM must enrol in this event using MyU3A by clicking HERE or the 'Member Login' button at the top of this page. Go to 'Classes 2024' and select 'Annual General Meeting 2024' from the list of available classes. This is the same process you would use when enrolling in a class.
A Zoom link will be sent to enrolled members earlier in the week of the meeting. To join the AGM via Zoom on the day, please log in at 03.55pm and wait for proceedings to commence at 4.00pm. All Zoom participants will be on mute until the Chairperson invites a particular person to speak.
Business of the Annual General Meeting
We encourage members to participate in our AGM. In order to meet the requirement of having a quorum of 5% of the full membership we need a minimum of 40 members to attend or send in a Proxy form.
If you are not able to attend the AGM, it would be greatly appreciated if you would send your apologies by completing a Proxy Voting form, returning it no later than 12.00 noon on Monday 20 May, 2024, by mail to The Secretary U3A Banyule, PO Box 454 Rosanna 3084, OR scan and email to , OR drop off your form to the U3A Banyule Office at ILCH. This will assist us to achieve a quorum and ensure that you can vote in the democratic processes of our Association.
Members can vote either by submitting a Proxy Voting form or by voting on the day of the meeting using the Polling feature in Zoom. Each device (eg iPad, computer, phone) connected to the Zoom meeting only records one vote. If more than one person attends the meeting using the same device, each additional person needs to submit a proxy voting form so that their votes are registered. Please note that only full financial members are entitled to vote.
Election of the Committee
Full financial members are eligible for election. The Committee of between 5 and 20 members will be elected by members present at the AGM from eligible members nominated at the meeting. The Committee members will hold office from the end of the 2024 AGM until the 2025 AGM.
If you wish to nominate yourself or another member, please complete the Nomination form and return it to be received no later than 12.00 noon on Monday 20 May, 2024, to The Secretary U3A Banyule, PO Box 454 Rosanna 3084, OR scan and email to, OR drop off your form to the U3A Banyule Office at ILCH.
You can download these relevant documents by clicking on each link (other documents will be added here as they become available):
Margaret Jack, Secretary, U3A Banyule, 27 April, 2024